Every contribution counts and your name will remain on the temple wall forever.

Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple

The centennial Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy temple in Godavarru Village is currently undergoing a transformative renovation using the rare and precious black stone known as Krishna Sila. Guided by the sacred principles of Agama Shastra and the profound traditions of Sanatana Dharma, this restoration project is set to infuse the temple with vibrant spiritual energy resonating with the power of ancient mantras. It presents a remarkable opportunity for devotees to actively participate in the construction of this unique sanctuary, thus becoming integral to its revival and contributing to the preservation of our rich cultural heritage. Through collective efforts and heartfelt contributions, devotees can play a significant role in bringing this revered temple back to its former glory, ensuring it remains a beacon of spirituality and devotion for generations to come.

Why Preserve And Renovate?

  • Preserving Heritage: Our primary objective is to safeguard the architectural and cultural legacy of our temple, shielding it from the erosive forces of time and the impacts of modernization.
  • Ensuring Accessibility: We are dedicated to improving facilities and infrastructure to ensure that our temple remains accessible to every member of our community, regardless of age, ability, or background.
  • Building Connections: Our aim is to cultivate a sense of unity and spiritual fellowship within our community by creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for worship, contemplation, and communal gatherings.
  • Empowering Future Generations: We strive to provide our future generations, including children and grandchildren, with a sacred space where they can strengthen their ties to their cultural and religious heritage, fostering their faith and preserving our traditions for posterity.

How You Can Support.

Your support is appreciated to the success of our preservation
and renovation efforts. Here are some ways you can contribute:

  • Financial Contributions: Your donations will fund essential
    renovations, repairs, and preservation efforts.
  • Volunteerism: Dedicate your time and expertise to assist with
    renovation projects, fundraising events, and community
    outreach initiatives.
  • In-Kind Donations: Contribute materials, equipment, or
    services that are needed for the renovation and preservation
    of our temple.
  • Spread Awareness: Share our mission with friends, family,
    and fellow community members, encouraging them to join us
    in preserving our temple for future generations.

Our Values

  • Devotion: Our paramount commitment is to cultivate profound devotion and reverence towards Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy, igniting a deep spiritual connection and unwavering dedication among devotees.
  • Integrity: Upholding the pillars of honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct, we ensure that every action we take resonates with the principles of righteousness and integrity, fostering trust and credibility within our community.
  • Service: Embracing the sacred principle of seva (selfless service), we extend our hands with compassion, empathy, and humility to serve the spiritual, emotional, and practical needs of our community, embodying the spirit of selflessness and kindness.
  • Inclusivity: With open arms and open hearts, we embrace individuals from all walks of life, transcending barriers of caste, creed, or background, and nurturing an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone is valued, accepted, and respected.
  • Tradition:  We are dedicated to preserving and passing on our rich cultural heritage to future generations, ensuring the continuity and authenticity of our spiritual practices.
  • Collaboration: Recognizing the strength in unity, we actively seek collaboration with like-minded individuals, organizations & communities, harnessing collective strengths and resources to amplify our impact and serve the greater good together.
  • Continuous Learning: we provide opportunities for spiritual education, self-reflection,improvement, empowering devotees & volunteers alike to evolve on their spiritual path.”
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